Saturday, September 6, 2008

English Church Services in Lima

Updated 20 January 2019

There are lots of churches of many denominations here in Lima. Most of them are in Spanish, however, the ones below are in English. Just because your friend likes a certain church, doesn't mean that you will. Here is some info on how to find the right church for you.

Calvary Chapel
    • Jesus Maria (Sundays at 10:30am and Wednesdays at 7pm)- Just 3 blocks from La Rambla on Brasil Avenida Horacio Urteaga No. 962.
    • San Juan de Lurigancho (Sundays at 6pm) - Av. Jorge Basadre #184 (Paradero 20 de Proceres)

    Camino de Vida
    • Calle El Buen Retiro 100, Monterrico-Surco, near the American Embassy. Phone 312-6048.
    It has several thousand people and is very contemporary. The worship and music is in Spanish but they have translation services for the 10am service every Sunday. Both senior pastors are from San Diego, and there's lots of expats there. It’s a great non-denominational Christian church.

    Church of the Good Shepherd
    • Av. Santa Cruz 491, Miraflores. Phone: 422-3936.
    • Anglican-Episcopal services in English every Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 8:00am, 9:30 a.m., and 5:00 p.m. 
    • Children's Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. in English. 
    • There is a women's group that meets every two weeks
    • There is a group that meets for Bible study every Wednesday evening.

    Church of the Latter Day Saints
    • Av. Javier Prado Este 6420, La Molina, Lima 12. 1-612-7200

    Jehovah Witness
    • AV. El Cortijo 329

    La Ciudad 
    • Ccori Wasi Cultural Center at Av. Arequipa 5198, Miraflores
    • Lead Pastor Sebastian Alencastre:
    • Services start at 10:30 am and 6pm.
    This is a bilingual family of faith with a heart for city-wide transformation for Lima and beyond. They strive to be Christ Centered, Bible and Spirit led, servant and diversity minded, and mission focused. In addition, a Children's Ministry is provided and all weekly messages are given by Lead Pastor Josh Foliart with audio translation into Spanish.

    Potential Church
    • Services: Miraflores Colon Hotel which is located at Jiron Colon 600, esquina con Juan Fanning in Miraflores.
    • Services are held at 11am on Sundays.
    • Office: Av. Grau 1127, Barranco. Phone: 469-2103
    • Email: or Leo Sierra, 
    Potential Church in Lima is a lively, contemporary Christian church in English and Spanish every Sunday morning that offers English Services. Potential Church Lima features a live band and contemporary worship music. There is also an exciting children`s and teenage ministry in English. Potential Church has been featured on CNN, Telemundo, Panorama, as well as in the Wall Street Journal and El Commercio.

    Santa Maria Chapel
    • Ovalo Gutiérrez, Miraflores
    • Catholic Mass in English every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. 
    Santa Maria Chapel is a bit hard to find, go in the side entrance, turn right and then turn right again. It is a small chapel located behind the big football shaped church.

    Union Church of Lima
    • Av. Angamos Oeste 1155, Miraflores. Phone 441-1472,
    Adult Sunday School is held Sundays at 9:30am. Inter-denominational English language services are every Sunday at 10:30am and there are nursery and childrens' church during the service. There is a prayer meeting on Wednesdays at 7pm. There is a Bible Discussion Group on Thursdays at 7:30pm. You Group meets on Saturdays at 7pm during the school year. Marriage and Parenting classes are held regularly.



    1. You didn't list Catholic Churches... are there any?

    2. Yep, Peru is more than 90% Catholic I believe. I just don't know any that have English services, sorry. If you find any, let me know.

      Oh, try checking with some of the above churches, they might know.

    3. Peru also has a few synagogues. One in Miraflores, one in Surco, one in Jesus Maria.

    4. Do you have their addresses?

    5. Union Church of Lima website is
      There is a women's fellowship every Wednesday morning followed by a bible study. We have a youth meeting every Friday with contempoary worship. We hold a monthly men's pancake breakfast.For more information on all our activities call 4411472 (church office)or visit the webpage.

    6. Calvary Chapel ESL's website is WWW.CCESL.ORG. Check us out!

      Services at 9.30am (trad) and 11.30am (contemp)
      Fellowship time 10.30am
      Sunday School classes 10.45am

    8. Calvary Chapel English Service Lima
      Av. Petit Thouars 2371, Lince
      Service: 10:30 AM

    9. The Union Church of Lima - one service at 10.30am. Adult Sunday School at 9.30am. Nursery and Children's Church during service. Prayer Mtg Wednesdays at 7pm. Bible Discussion Group on Thursdays at 7.30pm. Youth Group on Saturdays at 7pm (term-time)

    10. Union Church Lima - one service for all at 10.30am. Adult Sunday School at 9.30am. Nursery and Children's Church during service. Prayer mtg on Wednesdays at 7pm. Discussion Group on Thursdays at 7.30pm. Youth Group on Saturdays at 7pm (term-time). Marriage and Parenting courses held regularly.

    11. Hello. I'm RAchel from Calvary Chapel English Service Lima. I was wondering if you could update our information. We only have two locations and one of them moved. Here's the new information:

      Jesus Maria – Sundays at 10:30 am and Wednesdays at 7 pm

      Just 3 blocks from La Rambla on Brasil
      Avenida Horacio Urteaga No. 962
      Jesus Maria, Lima

      SAN JUAN DE LURIGANCHO – Sundays at 6 PM

      Av. Constelacion 2417 – (Paradero 20 de Proceres or 19 de Las Flores)
      San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima


    12. My name is Pastor Ed Anderson of Iglesia La Ciudad. We have moved and have a new Lead Pastor, how do I contact you to give you the new information please?

      1. Hi, you can just write the info here and I will copy and paste it into the blog post. Thanks!

    13. Hi Sharon,
      Can you update Calvary Chapel English Service. We have a new address in San Juan de Lurigancho. Av. Jorge Basadre #184 ((Paradero 20 de Proceres) The Jesus Maria address is still correct


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