Most of these meetings are held in English. Here's AA's official website and here's information about meetings in Lima. You can also find contact information on their site.
There are many stories out there from men and women who have recovered from alcoholism. The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous is by far the most famous. Here's a blog written by a recovering alcoholic called Essentials of Recovery.
I found 2 Facebook pages for Cusco and have organized the information from them below. Please try all numbers and addresses until you find help. All the information that I found was in Spanish. I have not been able to find any meetings in English, however, still contact them as they might be able to put you in touch with someone who speaks English. Al-Anon
"Grupo Solidaridad" (Al-Anon) El Triunfo Chapel located at 309 Calle El Triunfo. Meets Thursdays from 4:30pm a 5:45pm.
Alcoholicos Anonimos Cusco
They have 8 meetings listed on their Facebook page and I've kept the numbering system they used on their Facebook page so you can easily find it there as well.
- Grupo Compartir: Jr. Pumacahua N° 130 Urb Tahuantinsuyo. Meets Monday to Saturday from 8:30pm to 10pm.
- Grupo Illary: Calle Nueva N° 403 Oficina 206, Second Floor. Meets Monday to Saturday from 1pm to 8:30pm.
- Grupo Lenguaje del Corazón: On the corner of Av. De de la Cultura and Av. Manchupicchu. Urb. Manuel Prado. Meets Monday to Saturday from 7:30pm to 9pm.
- Grupo Puerta a la Vida: Av. Tullumayo 870-A (General Services is here). Meets Monday to Saturday from 7pm to 8:30pm. Their hours are Monday to Friday from 9am to 2pm. Phone 084 - 799-162. I also found that they had updated their info and said that they're not at Limacpampa Chico Nro 400, Interior, Second Floor. Phone is 974-753-115. Please contact both and see.
- Grupo Machupicchu. Calle Nueva N° 403 Oficina. 206. Meets Tuesday and Friday from 5pm to 6:30pm on the second floor.
- Grupo Vive y Deja Vivir: Los Angeles D-1 3er paradero - San Sebastian. Meets Monday to Saturday from 6pm to 7:30pm.
- Grupo Solo por Hoy: Jr. Abancay N° 258 Quillabamba. Meets Monday to Saturday from 7pm to 8pm.
- Vive Feliz: Calle Triunfo, Parroquia el Sagrario. Meets Monday to Friday from 3:30pm to 4:30pm.
Grupo Solidaridad: El Triunfo Chapel located at 309 Calle El Triunfo. Meets Thursdays from 4:30pm a 5:45pm.
Alcoholicos Anonimos de Peru, Lenguaje del Corazon
- Av. Tullumayo 870-A Oficina de Servicios Generales
- Av. De la cultura Nro. 1880, Oficina 205. Second Floor. Altura Paradero Manuel Prado. RPC 984-250-975, Cell 991-961-327, or RCP 979-711-253. Monday to Saturday 7:30pm to 9pm.
Cathedral of the Good Shepherd
Av Santa Cruz 491, Miraflores
Bob D.
Telephone: 4411947
Email: scotrdc@yahoo.com
Tuesday and Thursday 7.00pm to 8.00 pm
Here are directions.
Carmelitas Catholic Church
7-8:30pm, every day. The meetings are not in the church itself but around the block believe it not in the Carmelitas Funeral Home facing Paseo de la Republica. Meeting's are in Spanish. The meeting is deep within the property but ask a security guard for directions and please respect ongoing funerals!
Fatima Catholic Church
7-8:30pm Monday to Friday. On Av. Armendariz (just past the KFC on the right. Walking distance from Larcomar Plaza & Marriott). Enter into the back courtyard facing the ocean. Meeting is in the 2nd floor classroom. Ask security guard if lost
Maria Reina Catholic Church
12-1:30pm. Monday to Friday. It's directly on the Ovalo Guitierrez. Meeting is behind the church in the school building, 2nd floor. You may have to wait for security to open the door, but there is a meeting there!
Pardo Cinco
12-1pm Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. 537 Avenida Jose Pardo, Oficina 210. Near Parque Kennedy and Saga Fagabella. Here are directions.
Union Church
Av Angamos 1155, Miraflores, 4411472 or 4221665, Monday to Friday. al_anonperu@hotmail.com
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Any information on AA or Alanon in Arequipa?
ReplyDeleteSorry, I don't know, but you could try contacting the ones in Lima, maybe they could help you out.
Hi any info on closed Alanon in Peru Indiana??
ReplyDeleteNope, sorry, just about Peru the country.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your time....
ReplyDeleteim looking for an AA contact in Lima....please respond to "jonfritz@live.com"...thx!!!
ReplyDeleteok, just did.
ReplyDeleteThe house on Ricardo Palma was not hosting AA meetings when I checked it in July 2008, so check before you go.
ReplyDeletehi! does anyone know of Alanon in Piura?
ReplyDeleteNo, sorry, but I bet if you contacted the ones in Lima they might know.
ReplyDeletedoes anyone know of any AA meetings held in Trujillo or nearby. really in need of a meeting!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure, try checking with the places in Lima. They might know.
ReplyDeleteI'll be in Peru July 2-19, 2010, and am looking for meetings. I contacted intergroup in Lima, but I may not hear from them before I leave. From what I've read this meeting list isn't current? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThis info is current as of mid May, I suggest you contact John, onfritz@live.com . He should be able to help you out.
ReplyDeleteHola, thanks for your time putting this list together. Are the meetings you've listed here english or spanish speaking? I have tried to email the intergroup office, but no response. Maybe because i don't speak spanish?! Please let me know.
They should all be in English. Maybe try calling another group?
ReplyDeleteI will be in Miraflores in May and would like a recommendation on an English speaking meeting. Can anyone suggest a meeting and know their times?
ReplyDeleteThere are a couple in Miraflores. Look at the first three listings.
ReplyDeleteAre the first three meetings still going on in Miraflores? Is the Fatima Catholic Church still meeting? Please advise.
It should be. Please contact them directly
DeleteMy friend & I will be in Peru for 3 weeksin May, We are members of Al-Anon is US and would like to attend meetings while in Peru. Will be in Lima, Puno and Cusco areas. Can you send in connection or list of meetings in those areas. blashbrook2@hughes.net
ReplyDeleteHere's some contact info. The ones for Lima are listed above in the post.
DeleteAsociacion De Servicios Generales de A.A. de Peru
Av. Mariscal Caceres 295A
Oficina 201, Surquillo
Main: (51)1-447-8666
Site: www.aaosg.org.pe
Thank you so much for posting all of this. Here is an update as of today, June 21, 2012.
ReplyDeleteThis is an English speaking meeting
Adress: Av. Santa Cruz 491 MIRAFLORES /
Contact: Bob D Telephone:. 4411947 scotrdc@yahoo.com Tuesday and Thursday 7.00pm to 8.00 pm
Carmelitas Catholic Church: The info on this is totally correct, however, it is not an English speaking meeting. This should not stop anyone from going, as the group is very welcoming and understanding, and many members do speak and uderstand English, but the meeting is in Spanish.
Av Ricardo Palma 1020 Miraflores: This address no longer exists, I beleive. I searched for it for quite some time, but 1018 and 1022 are the only addresses. the building may have been torn down. This was somewhat confirmed by some Carmelitas members.
In my experience? Go to Carmelitas and ask for info on other meetings. Very good people, as one can usually expect at an AA meeting.
Thanks! Just updated.
DeleteAre there any meeting near Machu Picchu or cusco? Will be there next June and planning ahead! Thanks.
ReplyDeleteTry contacting the head office.
DeleteAsociacion De Servicios Generales de A.A. de Peru
Av. Mariscal Caceres 295A
Oficina 201, Surquillo
Main: (51)1-447-8666
Site: www.aaosg.org.pe
Going to Cusco Machu Pichu on Monday...sept 17; Desperate for a meeting. Any help?
DeleteI couldn’t find anything for Cusco. I’d suggest contacting https://www.aa.org/assets/en_US/f-59_gso-ctroffoverseas.pdf or http://aalima.org
DeleteI’ve asked in Expatriates in Peru on FB and if I find out any info, I will post it ASAP!
Hi! I found a bunch of meetings. I updated the blog post. Please check it out. There are links to the FB pages. They aren't active, but I took all their info and put it in my post so it's easy to read. I hope you're able to find a meeting!
DeleteHi. Do you know of any meetings in Puno or Colca??
ReplyDeleteI’m so sorry. I thought I replied. I would contact either https://www.aa.org/assets/en_US/f-59_gso-ctroffoverseas.pdf or http://aalima.org and see if they know.