***Be sure you ask at immigrations about your visa as rules and fees seem to change often. You now need an appointment in order to go to immigration. Make the "derecho de tramite" payment in order to schedule your appointment right away.***
***While on a retirement or student visa, legally you are NOT allowed to earn money in Peru. You CAN earn money while on a marriage / spousal / family visa.***
The CE
The Foreign Resident Card is called different things: CE, carne de extranjeria, carnet de extranjeria, carne, carnet, and resident card. All of these mean the same thing, it's a ID card that proves that you have resident and allows foreigners to live legally in Peru.
Power of Attorney
It's not necessary for you to submit the paperwork, renew your CE, or pay the foreigner's tax yourself. You can go to a notary and ask for a "carta poder". This is a Power of Attorney that you give to someone to act on your behalf. The only thing that you will have to do personally is go to Immigrations when they need to fingerprint you and take your photo and INTERPOL for fingerprinting, dental exam, and photos.
Where to Go
I know that most people get their CEs in Lima. Here's a list of offices in Lima. The main immigration office is located in Brena in Lima. However, there are other smaller immigration offices around Peru that might also allow you to get your CE there, ex. Cusco. The best thing to do is and ask.
Peru is a wonderful country with so many sites to see! Make sure you take advantage of living in a foreign country and travel! Peruvian residency consists of two parts. First, you get the resident visa in your passport. Then, you get your CE. You don't have to renew the visa; you have to renew the CE and pay the yearly foreigner's tax.
You can find the following information below:
2. Getting Your CE
3. Permission to travel while your paperwork is in process
4. Paying the Foreigner's Tax
5. Renewing your CE
6. Getting a Duplicate CE
7. Updating Your Data
8. Expired CE
9. Losing Residency
10. Cancelling Residency
You should probably go to INTERPOL right after you apply for your resident visa. Don't wait until all the paperwork has been processed for your resident visa. I would suggest that while you are waiting for your visa, go and start the process because it can take a couple of days for them to get the results. Interpol has moved (thanks to quirquinchu for this info), they are no longer at Velasco Astete and Caminos del Inca. They are now located in the (police station) Comisaría Monterrico, Cuadra 6 de Manuel Olguin, behind the Hipódromo, between Javier Prado and Av. Derby. It's probably best to take a taxi there. You need to walk through to the back courtyard for the Interpol section. As usual, early birds served first, though "Provincias" (outside Lima) or "Adulto Mayor" could advance you a bit. Provincias assumes you caught a long distance bus and really can't afford a night in Lima, Adulto Mayor (over 65) have legal privileges. The staff there are pretty friendly.. You need to bring:
- Receipt from the Banco de la Nacion for the fee
- Your passport
- Receipts from immigrations
- An envelope (just in case they run out, as they often do)
- Paperwork you have from the immigration office
- Photocopies of everything else
- Make sure you know your height in meters and weight in kilos.
2. Getting your CE
In order to get your CE you first have to have a resident visa. Work and Family / Marriage visas are the most common. Student and Retirement visas are also possible. There are other possibilities as well, check Migraciones for a complete list.
Once you have your resident visa, you will need to get your carne de extranjeria, which you have 30 days to get it after you get your resident visa. Immigration SHOULD let you know (either by phone or email) that your paperwork is ready.
Their new system is that you email them after 15 days with your ticket number and other information. Then they respond and tell you when to come in. However, if you don't hear from them in a couple of weeks, call them.
While you are waiting for your visa, go to INTERPOL and start the process. That way when you get your visa, you will already have the INTERPOL documents that you need and you can go straight to immigrations.
Once you get your CE, you can't be out of the country for more than 6 months in a year or you'll lose residency. If you want to keep residency, you'll have to come to Peru every six months. There is a way around this, and that's if you let immigrations know beforehand. See the "losing residency" section below for specific information and links.
- Go to the Banco de la Nacion and pay for the F004, which is for you to change your status to residency and F007A, which is for you to be put in the foreigner's registry.
- Make copies of everything. Take the receipts, the forms, carta de garantia from your spouse or work (go to Letters for Immigration), your Tarjeta Andina (some people have had to turn in their Tarjeta Andina when they got their resident visa, if that's the case, just bring a photocopy. If you don't have a photocopy, then just tell immigrations that you already handed your Tarjeta Andina over to them), your receipts / money order from INTERPOL, and your passport. Leave the originals at the Mesa de Partes at Immigrations. They'll stamp your copies. Come back when they tell you to.
- Get fingerprinted and photographed at Immigrations and then you’ll get your carne.
- Now that you have your CE, don't forget that every year you have to pay the foreigner's tax (between Jan and Mar) and renew it every year. See below for more info. If you get an immigrant visa, then you no longer have to renew it, but you still have to pay the foreigner's tax.
3. Travelling while your CE is in process
If you've started the CE process but have to leave Peru before you actually get your CE, you need to get special permission to do so. This is for those that need to leave for business or family reasons. They'll be gone a short time, but plan on coming back to Peru.
This is for those who don't have IRCE (Inscripcion Registro Central de Extranjeria / Registered in the Foreigners' Registry) or CCM (Cambio de Clase Migratorio / Change of Migratory Status). If you plan on leaving Peru forever, then go to immigrations and ask what you need to do.
You need the following. It might be processed right then and there, but could also take up to 2 take up to two days to process.
- Form F-007
- Pay the fee at the Banco de la Nacion
- The original ticket that shows that you're going to be leaving Peru
- A copy of the ticket that shows that you're going to be leaving Peru
4. Paying the Foreigner's Tax or Getting the Exoneracion
You can do this in any immigration office in the country (offices in Lima and smaller immigration offices). Don’t forget that you have to pay the foreigner’s tax between January and March. If you pay late you’ll have to pay a late fee. If you are in the provinces and want to pay your TAE (tasa anual de extranjeria / annual foreigner's tax), you can do it at any Banco de la Nacion. Be sure to tell them the code: 2690. When you're in Lima just pick up your voucher. They've stopped giving stickers. If you need to pay the tax, go to the Banco de la Nacion. Save your receipt. You'll need 3 things
- Proof you've paid the tax $20 from the Banco de la Nacion
- Your CE
- 1 copy of your CE
If you are married to a Peruvian (or fall into the no tax category, such as those here on religious visas, you don't have to pay the tax. You can get exonerated from the tax, however, you have to pay a fee in order not to pay the tax. Honestly this takes more time, effort, money and patience and is not really worth it, but here's the info anyways). You can find information at Migraciones. It's called "exoneracion del pago de la tasa anual de extranjeria". You need the following.
- Form F007
- To pay the fee at the Banco de la Nacion to process F007.
- Your legalised partida de matrimonio issued in the current year
- A notarised letter from your spouse. For letters and documents for immigrations, go to Letters for Immigration.
- Make a copy of F007 with the ticket of your payment attached. Leave the documents at the Mesa de Partes (ground floor) at Migraciones. Keep the copy you made. Come back in two days.
- Return to immigrations and go to the 3rd floor. Go to the counter and give them the copy of F007. Wait a bit and then you will get a voucher saying you've paid the tax.
5. Renewing Your Carne de Extranjeria
(The information below is for those married to a Peruvian. If you're not married to a Peruvian, you still have to go through a similar process. Except instead of your marriage cert, a letter from your spouse, and your spouse's DNI you will need your work contract, a letter from your boss, and your boss's DNI.) You can find information at Migraciones. It's called "Prorroga de residencia". You need the following.
- Formulario F007.
- Pay the fee at the Banco de Nacion for Form F007.
- Legalised letter from your spouse that requests the prorroga. For letters and documents for immigrations, go to Letters for Immigration.
- Wedding certificate legalised by RENIEC (If you got married out of Peru, it has to be apostillised first; see Peru and the Hague Agreement for more info. Then legally translated by an official translator and legalised by the Foreign Affairs Ministry (RREE) for more information.
- Copy of your spouse's DNI (They may ask for the original so you might want to bring it as well.)
- Your original CE
- Your original passport
- Make a copy of all the documents.
- Go the window number 3 or 4 on the 3rd floor and handed in the documents. If that doesn't work, leave the documents at the Mesa de Partes (ground floor) at immigrations.Then come back two days later. When you return to Migraciones go to the 3rd floor. Go to the Prorroga de Residencia counters (window 3 or 4) and give them the copy of F007 and then you will get your carne with its new sticker.
6. Getting a Duplicate CE
If you've lost or had your CE stolen, you will need to get a new one. You can find information at Migraciones. It's called "duplicado de carne de extranjeria".
- Formulario F007.
- Pay the fee for a replacement CE at the Banco de la Nacion.
- Re-pay the foreigner's tax.
- Go to the police station and tell them why you don't have your CE. File a police report.
- Get a copy of the police report by going to the BCP (Banco de Credito del Peru) and paying the fee.
- Go to Migraciones with the BCP receipts, police report and formulario and hand over your documents at the Mesa de Partes.
- Wait two days and pick up your new CE.
7. Updating Your Data
If you've changed your name, civil status or address, you're supposed to update your data. You will have to pay for two things: changing your data and getting a new card. You MUST do both of these steps at once. You can find information at Migraciones. It's called "modificacion de datos en la ficha de inscripcion del registro central de extranjeria". You'll need the following in order to change the data. Anything not in Spanish or any document from abroad MUST be apostillised and translated.
- Formulario F007.
- Pay the fee at the Banco de la Nacion.
- Present at least one, or a combination of the following: original marriage cert, original death cert of your spouse, original divorce papers, legalised change of nationality papers, original passport with old name, original passport with new name, sworn statement saying that you have changed your address.
In order to get a new CE with the new data, you need to get the following and make copies of everything.
- Formulario F007.
- Pay the fee for a replacement CE at the Banco de la Nacion.
- Re-pay the foreigner's tax.
- Make copies of everything.
- Present documents at the Mesa de Parte at immigrations.
- Come back when they tell you to, usually in 2 working days.
8. Expired CE
You are supposed to renew your CE every year. If you don't renew on time, you will have to pay a fine. Though if you are only a couple of days late, they might waive the fine. However, if you renew too late, or were out of the country, you may lose your residency. See "losing residency" below for more information.
9. Losing Residency
There are two possible ways to lose residency.
- Not renewing on time.
- Being outside of Peru for too long.
It's been said that if you're outside of Peru for six months or more in a row, then you lose residency. When you enter Peru after being away for more than 6 months, they will stamp your passport as a tourist. Supposedly, if you know that you will be gone for more than six months, you CAN keep your residency, but only if you let immigrations know and file the necessary paperwork. Look at cusco's post in this thread.
If you want to keep residency, you'll have to come to Peru every six months. If you spend more than 6 months outside of Peru and want to keep your residency, you will have to get permission from immigration. Here is what you will have to do if you want to leave for more than 183 days. You can read more info about this in Chris' blog. More first hand experience can be read in this thread.
10. Cancelling Residency
If you're going to be leaving Peru, you should cancel your CE. After cancelling your CE, you need to leave Peru within 10 days. (Steps can be found here to cancel your CE.) Some people say that there's no need to cancel it if you're leaving. Others say that you should cancel it because if you leave and come back after six months you'll have to cancel the first one, then wait 72 hours before you can apply for a new one.
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Just one correction. INTERPOL now takes the picture of you right there at their office when they take your fingerprints and look at your teeth. You do not need to bring any pictures with you. Thanks for all your help with this blog!
ReplyDeleteAlso the pictures cost an additional 10 soles on top of the 73 soles and 44 cents.
DeleteThanks a lot for the info!
ReplyDeleteHello this is Marlu from NY/USA I need some information that you might be able to provide.. I have a relative.. whom received a USA tourist Visa for 6 months, her tourist Visa will expire this month 06/09.
ReplyDeleteUpon her return to Peru, Do you know how long, She must wait before coming back to United States?
Hi Marlu,
ReplyDeleteI believe that she has to ask for another tourist visa from the US embassy.
Example: What if you have a history with the authorities in your home country and you want to get married or work in Peru and have to go through interpol to get the correct documents, i.e CE... what would happen?
ReplyDeleteAs long as you have no outstanding records, you should be fine. I mean, if you've served your time and righted the wrongs, there should be nothing to worry about.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know if "unión de hecho" -- couples who have lived together for over 2 years -- can also serve to get a CE instead of marriage? I think under Peruvian law, a union de hecho should give a couple all the rights of a married couple, but thought I'd check and see if anyone's had experience with this.
ReplyDeleteNo, it won't. Only legal marriages between a man and a woman will get you a CE. For non resident purposes, the civil union works, but that's just for stuff like medical insurance.
ReplyDeleteIf I enter Peru with my Visa Residente for the first time as "familiar residente" & then asap apply for Interpol fincha d canje, will I be able to leave the country temporarily without first obtaining my CE?
I know Interpol clearance will take a few weeks, however I will need to leave Peru for a week for business reasons and would like to know if migraciones inspector in Jorge Chavez will let me leave without CE? and upon return will permit me enter Peru again on the same (already used) visa Residente??
Thank you for your advice!!
Yes, but you will probably need to go to immigrations and get the special permission to leave without a CE. http://www.digemin.gob.pe/inm_pev_mostrar.asp
ReplyDeleteYou might be better off entering on a tourist visa and then leaving for business and starting the whole resident thing once you're back and will be in Peru for a couple of months.
Hi there! I have a question: what about in-laws? We may be moving to Peru next year and my mother-in-law is coming with us? She wants to work over there, so what kind of VISA does she need and can she become a Resident too? If so, how? Thanks!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure it's only kids and spouses. She could get a retirement visa if she can prove 1000usd a month income.
ReplyDeleteHello Sharon . I am going to retire in lima with my wife who is Peruvian. What investments can i make in Peru to obtain a private pension
ReplyDeleteYOu might try the bolsa de valores, which is the stock market. There are also AFPs, but these are pension plans that you contribute to while working. Another option would be to buy an apartment and rent it out. Ones in nicer areas could easily get you 1K USd a month. HOpe this helps, sorry, I don't know too much about pensions here.
ReplyDeleteHi I would appreciate some advice. I am British and currently teaching English in Chiclayo. I have my work visa and recently I was looking at buying a house and the Carne de extranqeria came up I am confused as I thought the visa por trabajo covered me as long as I paid my $20 in Jan to March or as the abogado suggested are there more hoops to go through to gain the Carne?
ReplyDeleteJohn Malone johnliam@ymail.com
The work visa is only good for 30 days, then you have to get your CE. You renew your CE every year AND have to pay the foreigner's tax. Getting your work visa is half the battle. Just follow the steps above to get your CE.
ReplyDeleteI recently had my CE stolen and will be traveling to Bolivia for a few days. I don't think I'll have time to get a new CE before leaving. What problems should I expect? I've been told I won't be able to leave the country, is that true?
ReplyDeleteI believe that you CAN travel without your CE, but you will have to show the SUNAT forms when you leave. It might also help if you get a police report to show that it was stolen and you can show it at the airport as necessary. Check with Immigrations to make sure.
ReplyDeleteIs it necessary to get a CE after obtaining your resident visa? I'm just interested in living w/ my spouse in Peru for 9 months or so while her spousal visa for the USA is processed, then leaving.
ReplyDeleteIs the resident visa enough to keep from having to do the border runs, or must it be coupled with a CE to be valid?
Yes you need to get the CE. The process is that you will get a tourist visa, and then once you get your CE, THEN they will put the resident visa in your passport.
ReplyDeleteBut, if you don't want to do the paperwork, you should be ok to border hop for 9 months.
it seems like the process and paperwork for the CE is very similar to that for soliciting the resident visa. once i have the resident visa in my passport i need to fill out f-004 again? and bring all the paperwork to immigrations or again? or can i use the photocopies of the original files turned in for the resident visa paperwork? i'm a bit confused on this...also, i gave the tarjeta andina over when i solicited my resident visa, so i now longer have that.
ReplyDeleteWhich resident visa are you going to get? Marriage? Work? But YEP, have to redo all the paperwork. If you already turned in your Tarjeta ANdina, then don't worry about it. If you have a photocopy of it, bring that. Peru often changes rules, so you should be fine.
ReplyDeleteI am in the process of getting miy visa residency (just started april 18)because i married a peruvian, but i need to go to usa for a couple of weeks in june, how can i get a permission to leave the country, how long will it take
ReplyDeleteYou need the following.
Formulario F-007.
Recibo de pago del Banco de la Nación s/. 23.40
Original y copia del pasaje y del Pasaporte vigente del beneficiario.
ReplyDeleteFirst, I'd just like to say that this blog is incredible – every time I need info I find it here, so thanks for that.
One question: I'm going to Lima on monday or tuesday to apply for my CE (married to a Peruvian). My current tourist visa is going to run out in about 3 weeks.
Do you know if I will have any problems collecting my CE when it is ready if my tourist visa has already run out? I'm kind of assuming that as long as I apply for the CE with a valid tourist stamp then I'll be OK.
Any advice in regards to this would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Always glad to help out. You should be ok since you started the CE paperwork before your tourist visa ran out. Same thing happened to me, but that was years ago. Ask to make sure.
ReplyDeleteBut, I really think that you'll be fine. Worse comes to worse and you might have to pay a dollar a day fine, but I highly doubt it.
Thanks for that.
ReplyDeleteI'll let you know how it pans out, just for future reference.
ReplyDeleteJust a quick update. You were right about the tourist visa expiration situation – as long as the process is begun with a valid tourist visa it doesn't matter if this expires before you get your CE.
Quick note on Interpol: you now need to pay 73.44 soles at Banco de la Nacion for the Interpol process (payment code 08141). This does not include the extra 10 soles that must be paid for the photos to be taken at the Interpol office.
Side note: it's a good idea to know how much you weigh and how tall you are (metric) before going to Interpol! You have to put this info on one of the forms. I had no idea about my height or weight in metric; I had to find someone who was roughly my size and ask him for his details! (the Interpol staff found this very amusing).
Again, thanks for your help,
Glad that everything worked out. I know it seems daunting at first, but somehow when you look back at things, it doesn't seem so bad.
ReplyDeletehi,i have a permanent resident status in peru(carne de extranjeria)(fecha de vancimiento es :indefinido),now i left peru for more then 3 yrs.i did not pay for"tasa anual de extranjeria"for 3 yrs.this card is expire this month,but my permanent resident status still valid,i apply refugee in canada, i don not want to go back to peru.but i can not cancel it my myself.is there any reason to prove me that i can not go back to peru?i really need these reason if u know,thank you so much!
Where are you from? Simply go to the Peruvian embassy and ask them. I don't think that this will be a problem unless you plan on going back to Peru sometime.
ReplyDeleteThe INTERPOL office handed me a little checklist of items to bring back, including an $18 USD payment to SCOTIABANK to "The Treasury of USA"
ReplyDelete...in addition to the 73.44 soles payment that I've already handed over.
Anyone know if they actually verify that this payment has been made before processing your paperwork?
Yes, in order to get the Scotiabank paper, first you have to go to Scotiabank and pay.
ReplyDeleteA shame... was hoping to save on that and just skip mailing the FBI all together (as it sounds like there's no communication back to Peru if nothing gets flagged)
ReplyDeleteYou MUST get the background check if you want a CE. There IS communication back to Peru. I was sent an FBI report in December 2006. I had applied in Sept 2006 and had my CE by October. They will get back to you and I'd keep the info as well.
ReplyDeleteFor those of you from the US who don't want to waste the $12+ on getting a cashier's check for the FBI check, it's perfectly permissible to use a personal check from a US checking account to pay this fee.
ReplyDeleteThe people at Interpol could really give a flying crap about what happens regarding the FBI packet. As far as they're concerned, their job is to assemble to packet an ensure the contents are correct. After that, it's in your hands.
The FBI will be mailing the results of your background check to you directly in Peru. I'm under the impression that this info doesn't get CC'd to Interpol, though that doesn't mean I'm correct. It takes MONTHS for this check to be completed -- long after you've already received your residency visa.
So... interested in saving the cost completely? Just take a personal check with you for the envelope assembly. They'll seal it up and put a placed of little stamps on it (in true Latin style), and hand it over to you to mail. I propose that you simply don't mail it. Keep it, and your check, in a drawer someplace, should you actually need it. You won't be out the postage. You won't be out the cash or the fees. You'll just be out one personal check.
If someone has actually needed to present the results from the FBI check at a later date, please feel free to correct me. Who's to say that the letter didn't get lost in the mail anyways?
I just got back today from interpool I had to pay the $18 at BCP actually came out to 30 I wasn't happy about that and had to pay to mail the package. It's kinda scary when your still learning spanish. Does anyone know if they check your Credit?
DeleteI'm pretty sure they just making sure you're not a wanted criminal.
DeleteQuick question. Please write to me at billescapedtoperu@gmail.com if possible. My husband went to interpol yesterday. Today he goes to migraciones. They did not tell him what to do and he still has the check to the treasury, his fingerprints etc. Is he supposed to send this in himself? And when? All of the info, what exact papers.? So confusing. Thanks!!!
DeleteI emailed you. When you go back to interpol, ask them if they will send the documents for you or if you have to. Make sure you make copies of everything before handing it over or mailing it. If you do have to send it, be sure to send it registered post.
DeleteGreat, thanks for the info about the cheque. Though I think that the FBI contacts the Peruvian govt via phone or email or something. I'm not sure if I would simply not mail the criminal background at all.
ReplyDeleteHey Sharon,
ReplyDeleteI just got my "prorroga" today. I am married to a Peruvian. Requirements were an original copy of marriage certificate, copy of my passport (and i needed to bring the original to show), copy of my wife´s dni (and original to show), un-notarized letter from my wife, guaranteeing me, copy of my CE (and the original, of course). None of this needed to be left at the mesa de partes, but rather handed in at either window number 3 or 4 on the 3rd floor. In one hour, it was ready.
Hope you are well,
Alan La Rue
Great! Nice to know that they've sped things up.
ReplyDeleteI live in Cusco and I'm getting married soon to my peruvian girlfriend and I have a few doubts about the proces for resident visa and CE.
ReplyDeleteI will have to do the paperwork with migraciones in Cusco first (hand over the forms F004 and F007, copies, payments etc). Does my future wife FIRST needs to change her DNI into casado to start this/any proces?
After that I need to travel to Lima to go to Interpol if I got it right. I will need to book a flight from Cusco to Lima for that. How many days will I need to be in Lima for this?
After that, I will go again to migraciones in Cusco to get my resident visa. I understood that for my CE I need to do more or less the same proces again. But do I need to go another time to Lima (Interpol) in this proces or should I be abled to do this in Cusco?
Thanks in advance!
First, get married.
ReplyDeleteSecond, she changes her DNI.
Third, go to Interpol, it takes a couple hours, that's it.
Fourth, ask at the migraciones in Cusco if you can get your CE in Cusco. I know that some people have and that will save you a trip to Lima. If not then you have to go twice. Once to file the paperwork, then again to pick it up, get digitally fingerprinted, a photo taken and your CE.
Again, I'm pretty sure that you can do this in Cusco. Except for INTERPOL
Is all this required even though our marriage is already legalized by RENEIC?
ReplyDelete"Legalised letter from your spouse that requests the prorroga. Have your spouse sign a letter in front of a notary (about 10 soles). For letters and documents for immigrations, go to Letters for Immigration. Some people have gotten away with using unlegalised letters from their spouses. If you're close to immigrations, you could try it and if it doesn't work, just go back the next day. If you're far away, I'd get it legalised just in case.
● Wedding certificate legalised by RENIEC (If you got married out of Peru, it has to be apostillised first; see Peru and the Hague Agreement for more info. Then legally translated by an official translator and legalised by the Foreign Affairs Ministry (RREE) for more information. For times, directions, and more information, see Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (RREE)."
You will still need the letter.
ReplyDeleteDid you get married in Peru or outside of Peru?
My husband, 3 children, and I are all US citizens and planning to go to Peru for 2-3 years to do service work. We will be working with a local church but don't think they can provide religious visas. What do we need to do and are there any steps we need to be taking while still here in the US? Someone mentioned getting children's birth certificates stamped at the consulate closest to where they were born, but I have not read about that anywhere!! Thanks for any advice and help because this is very confusing!
ReplyDeleteIf they won't get you visas, I'm not sure what you want to do. If you want to live there illegally, then you can simply overstay your visa and pay the fine or border hop.
ReplyDeleteInvestment visas require $25,000 and you have to open a business to get the visa.
IF they will help you with visas, then you need to get your documents apostillised. You do NOT need to get them signed at the consulate or embassy. NOw you simply send the original birth cert to the Sec of State and get an apostillisation.
Religious visas are relatively easy to get. If they're not willing to get you these visas, I would re thinking going there and staying illegally as a tourist.
ReplyDeleteI got a little question: I have a investor visa and carne that are both expired and I have been out of Peru for over 6 months. This should mean I lost my residency. Does this mean that when I go to Peru now I just enter as a tourist and can leave the country as a tourist again?
In theory it should. But unless you cancelled it, nothing's for certain. You could always offer to hand over your CE when you arrive. Or once you get there, go to immigration and cancel it.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your information!
ReplyDeleteMaybe of interest to some people (Spanish document found on the digemin (migration) website of Peru):
In this document by the way they state that a foreigner with an expired residency (without extending it) who leaves the country then loses this residency.
It also defines that your residency gets cancelled if you are outside the country for more than 183 consecutive days or 183 days accumulated within any 12 month period.
Thanks for the info. It can also be found above in the post. If you're gone for 6 months, residency is cancelled.
ReplyDeleteHi Sharon,
ReplyDeleteA wonderful blog. I tried on the net for some info and could not find any. But finally I have a hope that u might help me.
I am an Indian citizen. I did travelled to Peru last year as a tourist. My girlfriend is living there and she is a peruvian. We dint plan to marry as of now.
My questions are
1. "Is it possible to get a work visa there?" Because I talk to a HR guy from one of reputed companies in Peru and I was told to present a Foreign Identification Document Number (I am not sure what exactly it is).
2. If yesm can you please tell me the procedures to get one?
3. Is it possible for me to apply from here in India for Foreign Identification Number?
4. Or I have to come there to Peru as a tourist and apply?
BTW I work as an Analyst for one of the world's Largest Bank.
Thanks in advance got your time and info.
1. Yes, you can get a work visa. The ID number you're talking about is what you'll get after you get residency.
ReplyDelete2. Get married or get hired by a company. You say you work for one of the world's largest banks. Get transferred to Peru.
3. No.
4. Yes, come as a tourist and then get married or get a work visa.
HOpe this helps
So what happens if one applies for the investor's visa, gets their Residency stamp, applies for the carnet de extrajeria BUT, due to dire "family emergency" (say, a cancer diagnosis), has to return to the USA immediately (no permission to leave was filed) indefinitely. The business never materialized, though was registered with SUNAT and, I believe, the account put on "hold". Obviously the residency status is lost but what becomes of the SUNAT registration etc? Are there any fines or such an event like this would incur? Thanks for you help!
ReplyDeleteI don't know. I'm not immigration. I'd try to cancel everything I could. Barring that, ask a lawyer. You might be able to give them power of attorney to do it for you. Here are some lawyers.
My CE expires on Nov-2 and I'm traveling on Nov-3. Married to a Peruvian. Don't have original copy of Marriage Licence because we gave it to immigration a couple years ago thinking that was required. Obviously can't get another original copy of the marriage certificate before the trip. Any idea what happens traveling on a expired CE?
ReplyDeleteNo idea. But you posted on November 30th, so maybe you could tell me :) , you mean December? I'm guessing you'll just pay a fine.
ReplyDeleteIf possible go to immigration ASAP and renew.
Get a couple copies of your license as well.
If you enter on a tourist visa how can you get your carnet? Do you have to have an employer sponsor you or can you just pay someone to process a carnet for you?
You can get an employer to sponsor you, enroll as a student, get married, open your own business. Those are the most common.
ReplyDeleteMy Father has recently resigned from his post in Peru due to bad health. We are trying to get his stamp for exit in order to be able to transfer his pension plan here. Only problem, his Carnet de Extranjeria is not up to date and they say the only way to get it up to date is with another contract. There is no other contract, and will be no other contract. Does anyone know if there is a penalty we can pay or another way to get his exit stamp with this situation? He can not just leave without it, he will not be able to transfer his 400k pension plan without this exit stamp.?? Please help if you know wanything.
ReplyDeleteI'm not really sure. He should have kept his CE up to date. There must be a fee that you could just pay. Or, have him leave Peru and then get a retirement visa. If that doesn't work, contact a lawyer.
ReplyDeleteHi Thanks for the great bolg.
ReplyDeleteI I from the UK and have been living in Peru for 18 months now. When I came here I worked for a company on planilla and this allowed me to get my Carnet de Extranjeria (Trabajador) but after six months I left the company and have been looking for work since. I have paid my annual tasa but my Carnet is up for renewal in June. My question is, can I renew this Carnet if I am not yet working or don't have a contract and what happens if I don't? Secondly, if I want to leave the country do I have to present the SUNAT forms and can I get these if I have not worked on planilla for a year or so?
Any help would be very much appreciated.
You can't. A work visa means that your employer will sponsor you. You could get married. If you don't renew, then you'll overstay your visa and have to pay the $1 a day fine.
ReplyDeleteAbout SUNAT forms, yes, you will need those. Contact your ex-employer.
Can a guy get resident status while on a vacation. I read that 90 days is what they allow an American in Peru, so I was wondering if I can get a residential status while there? Thanks. Oh, I have no plans on marrying. Thanks you.
ReplyDeleteIt's up to 183. If you open a business or get offered a job, then yes.
ReplyDeleteI have had a C.E. since February, 2012. However, on the C.E., I am listed as single, and I just recently got married to a Peruvian (July 2012). My husband and I would like to travel to the U.S. for Christmas. Is it necessary for me to change the status of my C.E. before he applies for his U.S. travel visa?
No it's not. Just bring your marriage cert to the embassy.
ReplyDeleteIf you get offered a job in Peru, do you need an official work visa to get a CE?
ReplyDeleteWhat if the job you get offered does not offer you a contract?
Yep, you do. No contract, no work visa.
ReplyDeleteGreat website! thanks for the info... Can I get my DNI without my CE?
ReplyDeleteDNI is for Peruvians. CE is for foreigners.
ReplyDeleteHi, I applied and got a CE for religious purposes in February of 2012, and got married to a Peruvian in July of 2012. I now need to change the status of my CE to "married to a Peruvian," but could you please tell me where I can find out how much that will cost in order to update the status? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteCall immigration. Should be pretty cheap, less than $100 that's for sure! You'll need docs from your husband though.
ReplyDeleteI have a question. My husband is brazilian and I am peruvian. We currently live in united states and we are wondering if there is a way for him to become a peruvian citizen wihtout us having to spend time in peru. In other words, we can travel there to do the required paperwork , however we cant stay two years there. We have a business here and have contracts a couple more years.
What could we do??
thank you
Nope, not that I know of. There might be an option if he invests a ton of money, like half a million or so. But the only ones I know of require you to physically live in Peru. Contact the nearest embassy or consulate and ask if they'll give him citizenship if he invests a lot of money.
ReplyDeleteHi, my boss is moving to Peru and he needs a peruvian permanent residence as an investor.
ReplyDeleteHow long do you think it will take him to get one? Is there someone that can help him go through it? are those the "tramitadores"? how much do they charge?
Thank you!!
He can't get permanent residency right away, first he'll have to get an investor visa then after two years he can apply. Tramitadores are the people who can help. You could also ask the consulate or embassy for recommendations. I don't know how much they charge. Fees vary. Best of luck!
DeleteI urgently need some guidance please. My Peruvian wife and I were married in 2007 in the U.S. and she has her U.S. permanent residence. We came to Peru in December 2012 and have decided to stay in Peru in order to care for her aging mother. I need to get permanent residence status for Peru. We have our official U.S. Marriage license with us, but we have heard it should have been officially translated into Spanish and certified at a Peruvian consulate in the U.S. Since we did not do that is there another way to apply for permanent residence without having to re-marry here in Peru?
ReplyDeleteI have been on the Official Peru website www.digemin.gob.pe and none of the download links for the forms work. I am not even sure exactly what forms I need or what category I fit in to obtain permanent residence. I am not seeking citizenship. Do I need Form F-006?
on the website it states... "If the marriage was celebrated abroad and it was not registered in the consular office, the said event would be registered within the period of ninety (90) days of the applicant's arrive to the country in the registry of the municipality that the applicant states as a domicile, after the established term, the applicant have to do it by judicial means." I have been here 140 days now so ... any ideas?
First off, good news. If you overstay your visa it's not an issue. Simply pay the $1 a day fine. If you don't want to be in Peru illegally, just take a quick trip across the border, when you come back they'll give you up to another 183 days. Easy peezy lemon squeezy, Peru operates in the grey, there's no black and white. You can find info here, http://theultimateperulist.blogspot.com/2008/11/2b-tourist-expired-visa-student-visa.html
DeleteBad new, you can't get permanent residency in Peru yet. First you have to get temporary residency. You can apply for permanent residency after being a temporary resident for two years.
Nope. You heard wrong. The only official translators I know of are ALL in Peru. You can find info here, http://theultimateperulist.blogspot.com/2008/12/6b-official-translations-notarisation.html
Ditto for the certification at the embassy. That changed a couple years ago.
Now what you have to do is get it APOSTILLISED in the US. You can find info here, http://theultimateperulist.blogspot.com/2010/11/peru-and-hague-agreement.html
Then you get it and the apostillisation done in Peru. Tons of steps involved. Simplest thing I can recommend is that you take it to an official translator and pay a bit extra for them to do the legwork. It's honestly not that much and worth the peace of mind that it's going to be done right and a heck of a lot stressful.
Technically speaking, you're married, so you can't get remarried. You might have an issue if your marriage cert was never registered at the Peruvian consulate or in Peru within 90 days of arriving as you found out. No worries, plenty of people have done what you have. It just means more paperwork for you. You can find info here, http://theultimateperulist.blogspot.com/2008/11/2e-resident-familymarriage-visa.html
Not sure why the download forms aren't working. It's not a problem though, you can pick them all up for free at immigration, don't pay people who say that they aren't free. You also might be able to find some if you do a google image search.
Also, full disclosure, I've never done what you're about to do. I have one friend who did it, but her docs were from the UK and she did it over 5 years ago and stuff changes all the time. I strongly suggest you also check out expatperu.com as they have a really good forum and you might find someone who has gone through this.
The category you're going to get is PEB, which is married to a Peruvian / perm resident.
I know this is all daunting. You could do it yourself. If you don't want to there are lawyers and tramitadores who will do it for you. And like I said, you'll pay a bit, but not what you would in the US and it's less hassle and all that. Check out expatperu.com for recommendations. I only know of lawyers, check here http://theultimateperulist.blogspot.com/2008/01/6-legal-issues.html who might be able to help you or if they can't, refer you to someone who can.
Best of luck. I know it's a pain in the arse and there are lots of hoops to jump through, but you'll get through it.
Wow that was fast! Thank you so much! I'm glad to have found this site.
DeleteAlways glad to help out!
DeleteI recently moved to Peru with my Peruvian wife of 20 years. I am American. I have been having a hard time finding a tramitador that can help with all of the CE paperwork. Where can I find a list and contacts of tramitadors that can help expedite my process? Thank you, JL
ReplyDeleteHere are the tramitadores that I know of, http://theultimateperulist.blogspot.kr/2008/11/2a-all-visas-onward-ticket.html You might also want to ask on expatperu.com
DeleteHi Im going to be living with my husband in Peru. My children and I are US citizens.I have a 10 year old daughter from a previous relationship and a 2 year old from my husband. So the question is, Can my husband get my daughter her resident here in Peru since shes his step-daughter. We got married here in Peru. We been living here for a 1year and a half and she hasnt been in school. Ill be going to the US next month and this time i will get all the paperwork i need to get her in a public school here in Lima. I didnt know coming here all this was so complicated. I came unprepared.I thought it was so easy to just work and her go to school. But its so much paperwork to get for us. I also want to teach English here since English is my language. How can i do that? I read online i can get a TEFL certificate and it only takes about a month to get it. Can u please give me more information on that and if my husband can get my daughter her resident here. If me and my children have our resident here do we still have to pay the $1 a day.
DeleteYour husband should be able to get you daughters residency, but if not they can definitely get residency through you. Here's the docs you need for the CE to get residency, http://theultimateperulist.blogspot.com/2008/11/2f-interpolforeign-resident-card.html If you've overstayed your visa you will still have to pay the fines.
I'd highly recommend against public schools. They really aren't good. Look into a private one. There are lots of affordable ones out there. Not just international schools, but just regular private schools. They're often religious.
For teaching English, honestly, you really don't need a cert. If you want one, you can find some at www.goabroad.com/tefl-courses
Here are some good institutes around Peru, http://www.tefl-tips.com/2008/10/little-black-book-of-english-institutes.html and in Lima, http://www.tefl-tips.com/2008/11/top-institutes-in-lima.html
Good luck with everything!
Thank You that information helps alot. But what is the difference between CE and visa? Would me and my children need both to stay here for the next 8-10 years? I know i still have to pay the $1 a day this time we stayed over.Were leaving back to the US in april and returning sometime in October or November. When we come back to get the residence we need, would we still ever have to pay that $1 a day for the next years were going to be here.
DeleteYou'll get the visa in your passport, but then they give you the CE (it's like a green card). Then they'll just renew your card and not put anything in your visa.
DeleteWhy would you have to stay 8-10 years? You can leave whenever you want.
As long as your CE is valid and up to date, you won't have to pay any fines. The fine is only when your visa runs out and you're staying in Peru illegally without a visa.
Hello sharon..
ReplyDeleteThanks for this useful information. I find your website useful source of information.
My one simple question is ..once getting CE on student visa. Can let us to visit other south American countries...? I read some where on internet that people can visit , like Argentina , Brazil , Chile. on CE . its true..?
No. That's not true. It depends on the passport you hold. Your CE will help you in Peru. For example, you'll get a cheaper entrance fee to Machu Picchu.
DeleteMy wife is Peruvian, we've been married for 6 years. We have 2 boys (ages 3 and 4). I'm a US citizen and we live in the US with no intentions of moving out of the country. Can our boys get peruvian passports in addition to their US passports? Can I get a peruvian passport without living in Peru? thanks! Chad
ReplyDeleteHi Chad. Yep! You can get your children Peruvian citizenship. You would need your license or passport, your wife's DNI and passport, and your sons' birth certificates. You may need more than that, but that's all I needed to register my daughter as Peruvian. I registered my daughter in Seoul, Korea. You need to contact the nearest embassy or consulate and ask them if they have an additional requirements.
DeleteAll of you would have to go to the embassy or consulate (you, your wife, and your kids). They take the passport photos then and there and both of you will have to sign and fingerprint the forms. Your kids will also have to fingerprint the forms and they may have to sign them as well.
You should apply for three things when you go to the embassy or consulate: your kids' Peruvian birth certificates, their passports, and their DNIs. Fees vary, but it's pretty affordable. I think I paid about $6 for the birth certificate, $15 for the passport, and $6 for the DNI. Passports are only good for 5 years. The DNI is good for 8 years.
As for you getting a Peruvian passport, that wouldn't be possible unless you lived there. First you would have to get residency and then you could apply for citizenship after two years. Start to finish it would take about 3 years. 3-6 months to get residency, 2 years as a resident, and another 3-6 months to become a citizen. You would also have to take a test. In order to keep your residency valid, you need to spend at least 6 months out of the year in Peru.
I am an Indian citizen and now in Peru for the last one year with CE. Now i am going back for India for more than a year for treatment purpose. Is it necessary to cancel my CE?
ReplyDeleteNo, you're allowed to leave Peru with a CE. The only issue you may have is if you leave for more than six months at a time.
DeleteI just saw this answer from 2012: You can get an employer to sponsor you [or] open your own business to get a CE. I plan to return to Peru in September and want to establish residency as quickly as possible. I already spent 40 days in Peru this year. Are the stay limitations for tourist and business visas based on a calendar year, so my time allowance will reset on January 1, 2017? I am self-employed and want to establish my business in Peru. I assumed that I needed a company to sponsor me for a CE and was checking into that possibility. I would like to avoid relying on a new employer who I may not want to remain with for long. My preference is to focus on my own practice. Do small business owners have a good chance of being granted a CE? Are there additional fees, investment or required forms (in addition to F-007) needed? Thank you for your time, Sharon.
ReplyDeleteHi Daniel, the limitations are per visit, not per year. If you open your own business then you can get a CE. Here's the info, http://theultimateperulist.blogspot.kr/2008/12/6j-opening-business.html
DeleteI saw in a comment that if I open a business that can qualify for a CE. Please tell me more or direct me to details about this. Is there an additional form or financial requirements? I am self-employed and would like to establish my small business in Peru. I will not have a store front. Clients will come to my home or I will rent a treatment room from a local spa/retreat. I had assumed I would need to be sponsored by a business to get a CE. But that is risky if I choose to not work with the new employer for long. The limitation of staying up to 183 days applies to business visa as well as tourist visa, correct? I already spent 40 days in Peru recently. Will my stay allowance reset on January 1, 2017 (is it based on a calendar year or Day 1 of arrival)? Thank you for your time.
ReplyDeleteThe visa limitations depends on your nationality. It's also up to the immigration officer how much time you get. While you can get up to 183 days it's not guaranteed that you will. Most people will, but if you border hop or they think that you will overstay your visa then they could give you less time.
DeleteEven though you've spent 40 days there this year, it's still possible for you to get 183 days this time when you visit. Here's the investor visa option, http://theultimateperulist.blogspot.kr/2008/12/6j-opening-business.html
hello,i am uddim(bangladeshi) ,from lima,peru.i would like to ask about my family (married) residency..i am going get married a peruvian women.but i have some question with i hople you will ans andm help me.its bellow
Delete(1)i entry in peru before 2 years ago but illigealy(no have peru visa) from Brazil(have visa). i gave some of money to police then they give entry.my question is i can married in peru
(2)they municipity says :my birth,un_married certificate need apostille o legalization from peru consulte in bangladesh,but have a consulate they said can,t.again BD consulate no have in peru ,,so what i will do please give my answer ,its will help me ,please
Your illegal entry might be an issue. If you paid a fine then you should be ok. If you paid a bribe then you might have problems.
DeleteYou need to check with Foreign Affairs in Bangladesh or contact the embassy that has jurisdiction over your area. Maybe India. Good luck.
Hi, I have a question about leaving the country for more than six months and maintaining my residency. I do have my CE, and it is the "married to Peruvian" type. I understand that most people cannot leave the country for more than 6 months and maintain their residency, unless of course they have filled out the extension paperwork and are accepted. However I have a friend and he has a "retired worker" type of CE; he is an older gentleman and receives SS. He claims he can be out of the country up to a year and not lose his residency? Is this true, and moreover is my "married to a Peruvian" CE like this also? Thank you for all your hard work and research!
ReplyDeleteHi. Everything I've found says that without paperwork you lose your CE. With that being said, it's also up to the immigration officer's descretion. Both the officer that you get when you enter Peru as well as the ones you go to when you pay the foreigner's tax at the beginning of the year and that when you renew your residency. Your best bet is to ask at immigration and then get something in writing.
DeleteI do know of people with the PEB married to Peruvians who HAVE lost their residency for staying out more than six months.
I'm not familiar with the retired worker visa. Do you mean the retirement visa where you have to show proof of income? The only thing I could think of is they make an exception based on his age. Or he has had good luck with immigration officers.
Let me know what you find out. I'd be happy to update the info. Thanks!
Interpol has moved, they are no longer at Velasco Astete X Caminos del Inca. They are now located in the (police station) Comisaría Monterrico, Cuadra 6 de Manuel Olguin, behind the Hipódromo, between Javier Prado and Av Derby. It's probably best to take a taxi there. You need to walk through to the back courtyard for the Interpol section. As usual, early birds served first, though "Provincias" (outside Lima) or "Adulto Mayor" could advance you a bit. Provincias assumes you caught a long distance bus and really can't afford a night in Lima, Adulto Mayor (over 65) has legal privileges.
ReplyDeleteThe staff there are pretty friendly.
Thanks! Just updated!
Deleteusually how long would it take from starting ur marriage to getting CE?
ReplyDeleteUp to six months but most people have it within a couple of months.
ReplyDeleteMy husband is Turkish and I'm peruvian, we left Peru in 2015 and we couldnt get the paperwork on time to show immigrations we were living for work overseas.
He lost his residency, we are still in the US, does anybody here know how to get the residency back? is it possible from here the US? I cant find a solution and immigration never picks up the phone. Thanks in advance!
You need to live in Peru for six months out of the year in order to maintain residency. Your husband would have to go through the process again in Peru to get it back I'm afraid. After two years on a CE, he can get citizenship. No need to spend time in Peru after that. I got citizenship in 2008 and left two years after that. Haven't been back and I'm still a citizen.
DeleteSince you're in the US your best bet is to contact the nearestebassybor consulate. But for residency he will have to apply there.
Help ! I was in Peru as a tourist within my 180 days. I then got a CE with a British company based in Chile which has just set up a new rep company here in Peru , Lima. The trustees of that company here are some lawyers in Lima. However, i have not made any income from the company at all . There is not a payroll set up and i have no pay statements. I signed a contract to receive an income but there isnt any income. I may want to leave Peru for a holiday or even not come back. However, i know i need to have a tax form to exit. If i do leave, can i just use a F1495 decleration as i have no work activities for the company and havent earnt any income !! No in a position where i can complete the other tax form is that makes sense. Will immigration be ok with that when i leave ?
ReplyDeleteSince you haven't earned any income, just declare zero.
ReplyDelete" If you're married to a Peruvian, you can get the exoneracion and pay a bit less, but it's easier and faster to just pay the tax.
I did this at the beginning of the year, it's not difficult (I'm in Trujillo, Migraciones is quite a small office here for foreigners, in Lima your mileage might vary).
They just printed another form and got me to fill it in on the spot.
As I'd already got everything else ready (Payment Voucher for Prórroga from BN, etc., etc.) it was all set to go.
I'm out of the CE renewals system now*, thank goodness, but that is another story.
*There's always someone in front of you with a big problem and missing docos ...
That's great! How are you out of the system?
DeleteI applied successfully for nacionalización.
DeleteI don't want to clog the blog but would be happy to expand should anyone ask.
Your blog gave me a lot of clues, experiences, advice all of which were an essential part of the solution so thanks for all that!
That's great! If you'd be interested in writing a guest post about your experience doing so, let me know! Congrats!! You can email me at naturegirl321@yahoo.com