
More and more of these letters can be found on the Migraciones site. But just in case you can't find your letter there, you can find it below. Please remember that ALL these need to be signed, fingerprinted, and dated in front of a notary..
The lines can be long and the workers unhappy. Next time you're stuck at immigration, try reading a book about Peruvian culture, it'll help pass the time and you'll learn why things are the way they are in Peru.
1. Register Marriage
2. Get carne
3. Prorroga de Residencia for Married Foreigners (any one of these is ok)
4. Permission for under-aged children to travel alone /with one parent
5. No sickness
6. Health and Criminal Form
7. Formal Request for Peruvian Citizenship due to Marriage
8. Naturalisation for Overage Children born to Peruvian Parents
1. Register Marriage
To register a marriage to a Peruvian that took place outside of Peru. This has to be done within 30 days of arriving or else you have to do it through the courts.
Solicitud: Inscripción en el Registro de Peruano por Matrimonio.
Señor Director General de Migraciónes y Naturalización S.D,;
Yo, _________ (name) de nacionalidad ________ (nationality), identificado con ___________ (passport or CE number), domicilado en ________ (address) distrito de ________ (district), provincia de _________ (province), departamento de ________ (department), residente en el país ante Ud. con el debido respeto, me presento y expongo:
Que habiendo contraido matrimonio con _________ (spouse's name) de nacionalidad peruano/a (delete O or A as appropriate), identificado/a (delete O or A as appropriate), con DNI N° _______ (DNI number), y previos los tramites de ley, solicito a Ud. Señor Director, se me inscriba en el registro de peruano por matrimonio de conformidad en lo dispuesto en el árticulo 52° de la constitución política del Perú.
Para dicho efecto acompaño los documentos requeridos que el caso require.
Por tanto: a Ud. Señor Director pido acceder a mi solicitud por ser de justícia.
Place, Date
Your signature
Your name
C.E. N° (CE number)
2. Get Carne
To request your carne de extranjeria
Señor Director General de la Dirección General de Migraciónes y Naturalización del Ministerio del Interior:
Estimada Señor Director:
Por la presente ante su Despacho se sirva disponer por quien corresponda se autorice la INSCRIPCION EN EL REGISTRO CENTRAL DE EXTRANJERIA para obtener su carné de extranjería, a favor de mi cónyuge your name de nacionalidad nationality, identificado con pasaporte No. _________ (passport) quien ingreso al pais con Visa de Residente ________ (which resident visa) , con Oficio No __________ (number of request) de fecha _______ (date of visa approval) y Cedula de Embarque Desembarque No ___________ (embarque number)
Place, Date
Spouse's Signature
Spouse’s name
Spouse’s DNI
3. Prorroga de Residencia for Married Foreigners - Format 1
To renew your residency, for those married to Peruvians.
Carta de Garantía
Señor Director General de la Dirección General de Migraciónes y Naturalización del Ministerio del Interior:
Yo, ________ (Spouse’s name), de nacionalidad peruana, con D.N.I. Nº ________ (DNI), señalando domicilio legal en _________ (Address) atentamente digo:
Que, cumplo con extender una carta de garantía en favor de mi cónyuge, ________ (your name), cuyos datos detallo a continuación:
NACIONALIDAD (Nationality)
TIPO DE VISA Cónyuge de Peruano, Residente
En consecuencia, garantizo en forma solidaria, económica y moral a mi cónyuge (your name), responsabilizándome de cualquier impuesto o contribución que pudiera adeudar al fisco, derivado de su permanencia en el Perú.
Por tanto: a su despacho solicitamos: Se sirva tener presente para los fines de ley.
Place, Date
Spouse's Signature
Spouse’s name
Spouse’s DNI
3. Prorroga de Residencia For Married Foreigners – Format 2
To renew your residency for those married to a Peruvian.
Carta de Garantía
Señor Director General de la Dirección General de Migraciónes y Naturalización del Ministerio del Interior:
Yo, _________ (Spouse’s name), de nacionalidad peruana, identificado con DNI Nº ___________ (DNI) domicilio ________ (address), garantizo en forma solidaria, económica y moral a mi cónyuge, ________ (your name), de _________ (your age) años de edad identificada con carne de extranjería Nº _____ (CE) y de nacionalidad ________ (nationality).
Para mayor constancia firmo el presente documento de garantía
Place, Date
Spouse's Signature
Spouse’s name
Spouse’s DNI
3. Prorroga de Residencia for Married Foreigners – Format 3
To renew your residency for those married to a Peruvian
Señor Gral. PNP.
Director General de Migraciones y Naturalización.
Por el Presente Documento Yo, _________ (SPOUSE’S NAME) , de nacionalidad Peruana, identificada con D.N.I. ___________ (DNI), domiciliado en _________ (Address) GARANTIZO MORAL Y ECONÓMICAMENTE, a mi cónyuge _________ (your name), de nacionalidad _______ (nationality), identificado con Pasaporte Nº ________ (passport), con quien contraje matrimonio, como consta en la Partida de Matrimonio Nº ______ (marriage license number) de la Municipalidad de ________(Where you got married) que adjunto, y se encuentra como Residente en el país, para quien estamos solicitando la PRÓRROGA DE RESIDENCIA.
Para tal fin, acompaño a la presente los documentos requeridos por su Despacho.
Place, Date
Spouse's Signature
Spouse’s name
Spouse’s DNI
4. Permission for children to travel alone or one parent.
If you're a resident or married to a Peruvian and your child travels with only one parent or alone abroad, you will need to present this letter at the airport. More information can be found in this article. Here's an example of a permission to travel letter. Here's an example for a parent with sole custody. For a widow(er), there are exceptions, you either present ID showing that you are a widow(er) or bring a death certificate. The death certificate should probably be apostillised and translated as well.
Autorización para viaje de menores al exterior
Señor Director General de Migraciones y Naturalización
Señor Director:
Por medio de la presente, yo _____________ (name) de nacionalidad __________ (nationality), identificada con Carnet de Extranjeria / DNI N° (CE or DNI number) y domicilado(a) en _____________ (address) autorizo a mi esposo (a) ________ (spouse’s name) de nacionalidad ____________ (nationality) con Carnet de Extranjeria /DNI N° ________________ (CE or DNI number) a viajar a ____________ (country where travelling to) durante las proximas semanas junto con nuestro hijo (a) menor / nuestros (as) hijos (as) menores ___________ (name of child(ren) con Carne de Extranjeria N° __________ (CE number of your child).
Anticipo mi agradecimiento por su atencion a la presente y quedo
Place, Date
5. No sickness
La declaración jurada
Yo, _________ (name) de nacionalidad ________ (nationality), identificado con carnet de extranjería N° ___________ (CE number), domiciliado en __________ (address), distrito de _________ (district), provincia de _________ (province), departamento de __________ (department), residente en el país.
Declaro bajo juramento, residir en el domicilio antes indicado, no padecer ninguna enfermedad infecto-contagiosa que pueda ser impedimento para adquirir la nacionalidad peruana, asimismo, non tener antecedentes penales, policias ni judiciales en el Perú, ni en mi país de orígin ni en otros paises.
Caso contrario me haré acreedor a las sanciones que la ley y su reglamento establecen.
Place, Date
CE Number
6. Health and Criminal Form
Yo _______ (name) de nacionalidad ___ (nationality) identificado con carnet de extranjeria numero _________ (CE number) domicilado en ________ (address) ___ districto (district) _______ provincia (province) _____departamento (department, not apartment) residente en el pais declaro bajo juramento residir en el domicilio antes indicado no padecer ninguna enfermedad infecto-contagiosa que pueda ser impedimento para adquirir la nacionalidad peruana, asimismo, no tener antecedents penales, policiales ni judiciales en el Peru, ni en mi pais de origin ni en otros paises.
Caso contrario me hare acreedor a las sanciones que la ley y su reglamento establecen.
Place, Date
CE number
7. Formal Request for Peruvian Citizenship due to Marriage
Yo _______ (name) de nacionalidad ___ (nationality) identificado con carnet de extranjeria numero _________ (CE number) domicilado en ________ (address) ___ districto (district) _______ provincia (province) _____departamento (department, not apartment) residente en el pais ante Usted con el debido respecto me presento y expongo:
Que habiendo contraido matrimonio con _________ (name of spouse) de nacionalidad peruana identificado(a) con DNI numero ____ (DNI number) y previos los tramites de ley, solicito a Ud. Senor Director, se me inscriba en el registro de peruano por matrimonio de conformidad en lo dispuesto en el articulo 52 de la constitución politica del Peru.
Para dicho efecto acompano los documentos requerido que el caso require. Por lo tanto, A Usted Senor Directo pido acceder a mi solicitud por ser de justicia.
Place, Date
CE number
8. Naturalisation of Overage Children born to Peruvian Parents
Declaración jurada
Ley Nº 27444
Yo,___________ (name) de nacionalidad________ (nationality) residente legalmente en el Perú, con Carnet de Extranjería Nº _______ (CE) con domicilio en ____ (address).
DECLARO; Bajo Juramento Residir en el domicilio Indicado, NO PADECER ninguna enfermedad infecto-contagiosa que pueda ser impedimento para adquirir la Nacionalidad Peruana por opción.
Asimismo, NO tener antecedente PENALES, POLICIALES y JUDICIALES en el Perú, ni en mi país de origen ni en otros países.
En caso contrario me haré acreedor a la sanción que la Ley establece.
Place, Date
CE Number
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Hi Sharon, I am planning to move to Lima in the next few weeks to be with my fiance in Lima, we plan to marry within the next few months. It has been a struggle to find accurate information on anything at all until we found your website. I cant praise it highly enough, you have done a fantastic job! I am sure we will both keep looking back here for advice and information, as soon as I arrive in Peru I intend to join as a member, but wanted to let you know beforehand just how much of a help this has been to us. So many thanks for such a great job, Paul & Ruth (fireblade-paul@hotmail.com)
ReplyDeleteHi Paul and Ruth,
ReplyDeleteGlad to help you two out. You don't have to be a member, all the info is free. If you have anymore questions, feel free to email me at naturegirl321@yahoo.com
Be sure to check out these sites.
Best of luck
Hey Sharon,
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to let you know that I tried to use letter #4 to leave the country with my baby (Peruvian child travelling with one parent) and customs almost didn't let me through because they said "the letter was in the wrong format." Can't tell if they were just trying to get a bribe out of me, but I think Migraciones has a standard format that parents need to get notarised.
All the best,
Hi Aimee,
ReplyDeletethanks for letting me know. I got this letter from a friend, I've checked the DIGIMEN site, but can't find anything. If you know the standard format, please let me know so that I can post it.
I was born in Mississippi, USA, and want to apply for residency in Peru. Which consulate's office do I go to?
ReplyDeleteAre your parents Peruvian? You'd have to check with the Honorary COnsulate in New Orleans or the Consulate in Atlanta.
ReplyDeleteWait, no. According to this site, you have to go to Miami. http://www.floridaperu.com/peruvian-consulate.html
ReplyDeleteDo you have an example of the 'carta de garantia' for someone who is not married to a peruvian? I am not sure how to word this and the person who is going to be our covering in peru doesn't know how to word it. This is for a religious visa.
ReplyDeleteSorry I don't. But if you copy the marriage one and replace the info with your info, then that should be ok. There's no exact letter, as long as the necessary info is there, then you'll be fine. Peru is very, very flexible.
ReplyDeleteHi. We got married a month ago and I am wondering whic of the above forms we need to submit when we apply for my carnet. We have registered the marriage with Reniec ourselves as LaMolina muni haven't done it yet.
ReplyDeleteWhich of the above forms should i print and get notarized?
Form 1 is to register a marriage. We already did that.
Form 2 is tog et Carnet - which we cant complete until i get my resident visa processed??
From 3. I'm not renewing my residency.
Do I need to do any of these forms???
Please can you help me to clarify which, if any, I need to take to immigrations on the first trip?
Thanks a lot,
Form 2. But things change often, check with immigrations. Sorry I can't help more, but I just had a baby and am running on very little sleep.
ReplyDeleteHey I would like to know how to get the Cranet de extranjeria! Iam german and living at the moment with my girlfriend in Peru. We will tarvel to Europe soon but aafter returning I would like to get the Carnet! What do I need to bring from Germany and with what kind of Visa Iam coming back? I heared I can come back with a longer holidayvisa and then start doing everythiing here in Peru! Is that right?
ReplyDeleteYou should get a marriage visa. To get married in Peru you'll need your birth cert and a certificate that shows you're single or a divorce cert. There's more info in the CE section and the marriage section. Best of luck!
ReplyDeleteHi my name is Dayana . I am peruvian and in love with and Indian guy. Our story is kind of different from others. We met by internet, the company where I work has call centers in India and I am help desk . Anyway we have been talking daily , almost 5 hours per day since August 2011 , now is more than 1 year already and we havent met. He applied for tourist visa 2 weeks ago and it got rejected, they didnt give a reason. The thing that surprise me, is that my embassy refund the money back of the fee for the application of visa when they return the passport to him . Well, now what Im planning to do is to travel to India on January and to get marry there, I just want him to come, everybody says Im crazy but well this happened and I cant do like if it is nothing. My question is ... if I get marry there , one way or other ... they will give him the visa? ... I dont want to be stuck there and I want to start a life with him here in Peru , I will not live in India. I will add you in my msn :) is that ok for you ... Thank you
ReplyDeleteIf you get married there's no guarantee that he will get the visa. You might have to . . .
ReplyDelete1. live in India
2. try again for the Peruvian visa
3. look at living in a third country, like Australia