Sunday, July 20, 2008

Affadivit of Single Status for US citizens to Get Married in Peru

I know you're head over heels in love, but take a look at reality and the stats about divorce. People are living a long time and you need to think about the future. Sit down with your spouse to be and have a heart to heart. Decide if marriage is right for you. Things I wish I'd known before I got married and 10 conversations to have before you get married are incredibly useful. If this isn't your first marriage, then you have more stacked against you: you're more likely to get divorced, yet again. Saving your second marriage before it starts should definitely be on your reading list.

Affadivit of Single Status for US citizens (Courtesy of Southbound)
The easiest way is to go to the records department at the county clerk and ask for your marriage certificate. If you're single they will give you a "Record Not Found" which means that you are single. If you are divorced, you will have to get your divorce certificate. Remember that you will then have to get this apostillised. See Peru and the Hague Agreement for more info. After that, the translation will have to be legalised by Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (RREE). For the address, directions, costs, and more information, please see Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (RREE).

OR: Go to your embassy and ask them to notarise a statement that says that you swear that you're single. The majority of embassies already have this document prepared.

OR: You can sign the document below in front of a notary public. This makes it a binding statement and recognized by the Superior Court. Once you get this it has to be apostillised. See Peru and the Hague Agreement for more info. You can find more info at Travel.State.Gov

Sample Affadivit of Single Status
Name and Address of the County Court
Phone and Fax

Affidavit of Single Status
Declaración Jurada de Estado Individual

On this day of: _____ I, the undersigned
En este día de: Yo, los infrascritos

Full Name:________ ( )Male ( )Female
Nombre completo ( )Hombre ( )Mujer

Date of Birth: _______ Place of Birth: _______
Fecha de nacimiento Lugar de nacimiento

Social Security Number: __________ Passport Number: __________
Número de seguridad social____ Número de pasaporte

Current Employer: ____________________
Empleador actual
Address (street, city, state, zip): ____________

Residing at (street, city, state, zip) _________________
Que residen en (dirección)

Being dutifully sworn, hereby solemnly declare that, under the laws of the United States of America, I have never been married / or was divorced/widowed on ________ (Date / Fecha), and have never been remarried since that date/ and am fully qualified to marry the following Peruvian citizen:

Se obedientemente jurado, declaran solemnemente por la presente que, bajo las leyes de los Estados Unidos de América, nunca han casado / o era divorciadas y viudas en ____________ (fecha / date) y volvió a no han nunca se casar desde esa fecha / y estoy completo para casarse con el siguiente ciudadano peruano:

Full Name: __________ ( ) Male ( )Female
Nombre completo ( )Hombre ( )Mujer

Date of Birth: ___________ Place of Birth: _______
Fecha de nacimiento Lugar de nacimiento

Peruvian National Document of Identity (DNI) number: ___________ (if any)
Documento Nacional de Identidad de Peru (DNI)

Permanent Address: __________________
Dirección de permanent

I declare that the statements made in this affidavit are true and correct and I take full responsibility for them under the United States law of perjury. I also declare that I shall marry the above named person according to the laws of the Republic of Peru.

Declaro que las declaraciones formuladas en esta declaración jurada son la verdadera y correcta y tomo plena responsabilidad para ellos en virtud de la legislación de Estados Unidos de perjurio. Declaro también que será casarse lo anterior denominado persona acuerdo con las leyes de la República del Perú.

Signature of Applicant (full name): ______________
Firma del solicitante (nombre completo):
For the Notary Public: Para el notario público

Sworn to and subscribed before me on this _____ day of ________.
Jurado y suscrito delante de mí en este día



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